If you’ve been searching for an inexpensive mannequin to hang your designs on and you’ve ever wondered if you could just make your own, then you’re in luck! It is easier than you think to make a makeshift mannequin and in doing so, you could save yourself a lot of money.
Why do you need inexpensive mannequins?
Before you start throwing a bunch of materials together, it is a good idea to question what you will use your mannequin for. If it is to stand in your shop and promote your clothes, you might want to buy mannequin products that will look their best at all times. Unless you are a creative mannequin genius, you’re unlikely to be able to craft something that looks as good as the low-cost mannequins on offer at Valentino’s Displays.
However, if you intend to use a mannequin to ensure fit rather than as a display tool, then you can swerve the mannequin shop and make your own.
Buy mannequin or make a mannequin?
It’s a tricky decision and if you get it wrong, it can have expensive consequences. The first thing to decide is whether or not you even need low-cost mannequins. If you are an experienced seamstress or photographer, then a mannequin will be essential. And if it is photography that you are hoping to improve, then you might need to take a trip to your nearest mannequin shop (or check us out online!)
But if your mannequin is just for helping you get the fit right, then you can consider making your own. If you have a little bit of time and a willing helper, you can make any number of cheap mannequins personalised to the body type you are creating clothes for.
If you don’t have the time or helper available, then you might be better off heading to Valentino’s Shop Fitting Supplies UK and grabbing yourself one of our professional designs. It is the best place to pick up an inexpensive mannequin.
Making your cheap mannequins
The most important thing to remember when it comes to making your mannequin is that you need to get the measurements right. This will ensure you make clothes that fit, rather than ones that hang off the body or are far too tight.
If you are making clothes for yourself, you can make an inexpensive mannequin using an old t-shirt, duct tape, scissors, clingfilm, a coat hanger, a card, and something to stuff the finished creation with, like hollow fibre filling.
Then you can get started.
Step 1: Decide on your mannequin model. If you will be designing clothes only for yourself, then you can be your model, but you might need someone else to help you create your mannequin because it is a two-person job. If you have a muse in mind, then ask them if they can help you.
Step 2: Make sure you, or your model, are wearing supportive underwear and an old t-shirt. This t-shirt will be cut through in a later step. You then need to cover the neck area with clingfilm to protect the skin from the duct tape.
Step 3: Take your duct tape and start wrapping it around the body. Start by creating a line from one shoulder to the opposite side of the waist and then do the same on the other side, creating a big X across the torso. You can then go round and round the waist and stick a few thick strips along the chest.
Tape the shoulders and neck and then the upper back. Make sure you’ve completely covered the torso and that your neck and arm holes are tidy. Then cut a neat line up the back, making sure to cut the t-shirt as well. Be careful not to cut the skin or underwear.
Step 4: Remove your makeshift mannequin from your model’s body and then seal the cut with duct tape.
Step 5: Put the mannequin on the hanger so the hanging part comes out through the neckline. Tape it to the back of the mannequin.
Step 6: Now it’s time to stuff your mannequin. Fill the mannequin as much as you can with your hollow fibre filling and then seal the neckline and arm holes with duct tape.
Step 7: Seal the base with cardboard and more duct tape and you now have one of the most inexpensive mannequins possible. It might not be pretty, but it will help you get your measurements just right.
This method gives you an upper body torso that you can use to create tops, dresses, and other items that hang from the shoulders. You can extend your low-cost mannequins in similar ways to add arms and legs if you wish. You can also choose to place yours on an old lamp stand if you’d rather have one that is free-standing, although the hanger attachment on this one allows you to hang it from a beam or pole for ease.
Would you rather visit Valentino’s Display’s shop fitting supplies UK?
Sometimes it is just easier to visit a mannequin shop and be done with it, so you can get on with the important work of crafting your garments. This is where mannequin experts like Valentino’s can help you.
We are the best place to purchase inexpensive mannequins that will last you through all the fashion seasons. We have been making high-quality retail products that last for many years, and we know exactly which materials and manufacturers to work with to keep making durable items that are budget-friendly. You won’t find better value for money anywhere else.
If you buy several inexpensive mannequins, you’ll save even more, thanks to our wholesale discounts. Plus, delivery is free on orders over £100 and if you change your mind and decide to make your own after all, you can simply send your mannequin back to get a full refund within 14 days.
Whether you buy mannequin or make a mannequin, Valentino’s is here to help!